Snute Takes On New Challenge At IEM: Casting

March 11 2015

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The [image loading] IEM Season IX World Championship is a day away While our very own TaeJa prepares to take on a difficult field, our own Snute is preparing for a very different task. After he came agonizingly close twice to qualifying for the event, our Norwegian zerg hero was invited to attend anyway as an analyst for the stream. While Snute has dipped his toe into commentary at HomeStory Cups past, this is his first official event as a commentator.

How is he feeling about the bittersweet invite? Who is he most looking forward to watching? Is his career about to plunge off a cliff now that he's casting? We ask him all of that, and more!

First off, how are you doing/feeling? How's life?
Liquid`Snute: A bit hectic, just moved to my new apartment and there are still some things left to fix. but i'm able to focus a lot more on Starcraft now, and that's something I've longed for

You barely missed out on IEM qualifying, can you relive that painful memory for us?
Snute: I flipped my sleeping schedule upside down to do as well as possible in the AM and EU qualifier. I prepared well, but made too many mistakes against Terran. I'm confident that I would've been able to qualify if I was up against Protoss or Zerg players in those final matches, so I'm working a lot on my ZvT now even if there is no terran in my upcoming WCS group.

Any hard feelings about the "open" nature of the qualifiers?
Snute: I feel like those types of qualifiers are a bit arbitrary, I prefer the NA server when it comes to global qualifiers, it feels like a decently even playing field. But the only hard feelings I have is about not being better vs Terran still.

Tell us how it feels to be going as a commentator instead of a player.
Snute: I think of it a bit like HomeStory Cup, it's enjoyable to watch Starcraft and talk about the games. The matches will be high level and I would be watching them anyway, and it's a new experience to be involved as an analyst too. Of course it would have been better to go as a player, but I'll do my best at the desk instead.

You know that getting casting gigs is the first step towards being on EG and quitting Starcraft, right?
Snute: EG ?

So getting down to the tournament itself, who is your favorite to take the win?
Snute: A bit of Zerg bias here, but I think Life is the strongest player and my favorite. Going up against INnoVation first is a difficult opening draw, though.

How would you rate TaeJa's chances?
Snute:Not sure, he hasn't been super dominant online lately but TaeJa usually has some special magic at offline events. But at least a Ro4 finish doesn't seem unlikely.

Which player are you most excited to see play? Assuming Life, again?
Snute:Yeah, Life, by far. He's the strongest Zerg out there. Besides that I'm excited for all the match-ups, even some of the TvPs.

When you're there as a commentator/analyst, will you be watching for any ideas or builds you can steal?
Snute:Yes, this inevitably would've happened anyway, because the games and VODs are open for everyone.

But as an analyst, is your mindset similar when you watch the games at home? What we mean is: how do you watch the games? Are you a fan? Or a pro? How do you see the game differently?
Snute: I'll watch the games just like I would at home. I think most high-level players watch the games with a familiar mindset, you recognize everything you already know and if there's something new to you, you (try to) make sense of the situations and the players' intentions.

With the key difference being that you just recognize a lot more?
Snute: Someone who has a very high level will probably pick up on more detail than a beginner because of the experience with how games can play out.

What are you most looking forward to in your first official casting gig?
Snute: Looking forward to meeting up with all the others that usually are at IEMs! I know a lot of them from before and they're great to hang out with.

And what anything that you're worried about?
Snute: I'm the most worried about Fragbite Masters because I'll have to play it from the venue on Wednesday, the day before IEM's SC2 tournament begins. I want to 4-0 the group, so I hope there won't be any problems with the situation.

Alright, well, good luck!
Snute: Thanks!

Writer: tree.hugger
Graphics & Format: shiroiusagi